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Jesse Pound Jesse Pound

Empowering Smallholder Farmers in Kenya: An Update

Towards to end of 2023, I was focused on keeping our pilot project going with the farmers in Iveti, which I talked about in my last update. During my time in Kenya last summer, I met a man named Daniel when my cofounders and I visted Fred’s Ranch.

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Jesse Pound Jesse Pound

Empowering Smallholder Farmers in Kenya

At Vunatec, we are building a digital ecosystem of smallholder farmers in Kenya. Our main goals are to help farmers reduce their post-harvest losses from 40% down to 10% or less, while more than doubling their incomes. We are doing this by delivering education and training to smallholder farmers and connecting them to market through a mobile app.

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Jesse Pound Jesse Pound

12 Days of Kenya

When we reached Machakos, we stayed there for a night and spent two days just visiting farmers, touring their farms, and learning about the kinds of challenges they were facing to better understand how we can help them. I have interviewed five farmers so far, all of them were women and between them they were growing avocados, maize, beans, and apples.

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Jesse Pound Jesse Pound

Regenerative Agriculture: the Key to a Sustainable Future?

The answer lies in regenerative agriculture. In very simple terms, regenerative agriculture is a system of farming practices that places a lot of importance on soil health to rehabilitate the entire ecosystem of a farm. To understand these practices and how they make an impact, it’s important to understand the way modern farming works and why it isn’t working.

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